Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ok...WOW am I so behind!!!

Hey guys.

Sorry for the lack of Blogging. I have been crazy busy with Baseball season coming to an end and Teams needing their pictures in a hurry. So that consumed a lot of my time. It was so fun! And have some really great shots.

I shot the Chapman Wedding the weekend of the 23rd it was super. Love Marilyns it was my first wedding there and OMG it was great..everything ran as smoothly as possible and it was great.

I had several engagement shoots in between the last post and now...because from here til November it is my PRIMETIME wedding season and I love it.

I always forget how much I LOVE weddings...it is such an amazing HONOR to share such a breathtaking moment with you guys.

I have Vanessa and Aaron's wedding this weekend and I know it will be so beautiful and can't wait to share with you all.

And then on the 20th we go to Nachitoches for Thad and Lindsey's wedding and I am so excited its at an Awesome Bed and Breakfast...it will be AMAZING.

So be on watch for pictures....

Otherwise I am trying to take it semi easy for summer time having all four kids at home and trying to work is so hard. We are taking a mini vacation to Lauberge on the 13th and 14th and i cannot wait for that and in August we are taking a week off to go to the Beach Club in Gulf Shores.

I got a few shots of the babies at the park the other day because poor things they have NO pictures...I am gonna try much harder to photograph MY kids.

Cute Kids contest has been post poned til August just because a lot of people are off on vacations right now so I will have further details later on.

I have a few specials coming up just for summer I will post them here later and also on the website..... http://www.jlangleyphotos.com/

Hope everyone is off to a super start to their Summer.

Promise to try to get back on track with this Blog very soon!


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