First off let me start by saying... I would NEVER put a baby in harms way...
I asked on my facebook several mothers of newborns if they were interested in this shot. I explained the details of the shoot, and i honestly had some say NO WAY! But Kristy was so willing to help me create my vision.. and Little Jacob was more then perfect for the job.
My fabulous clients the Davenports have this awesome tire swing and have offered me to use their home for shoots... well you know my mind started churning... I love newborn shoots however I am always very nervous to get the babies out in the weather or putting them in those little buckets that they look squashed in etc. however if the parent wants it I will always do it.. they are just so delicate and precious.. and when I photograph newborns my goal is to show you their innocence - their portraits as they are... just babies... i am a big fan of the baby hands on face however its not practical to me and i don;t like to overuse that pose - i just love newborns sleeping and being themselves.....anyways off my soap box... I envisioned this shot, with a boy baby what more then to document a little boy at birth on a tire swing representing boys at play yet the baby sleeping so soundly on it as the wind lightly blows... my mind was just intrigued and i needed the perfect candidate for the job.
Mr. Jacob got to the shoot and had a full little tummy and was asleep... PERFECT!!!! we laid him on the swing with a thick blanket underneath him to prevent him from falling in and enough support to hold him on it... moms..... he mommy was right by his side, at catching distance just incase he may have twitch in his sleep... HOWEVER this little dud slept the whole shoot and never flinched.. not only did i capture a breathtaking portrait but many others cause he was such a great model.

Lots of thanks to Jacob's mommy and daddy for allowing him to help me create these beautiful images.
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