Friday, November 5, 2010



Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baby Jacob & the tire swing.

First off let me start by saying... I would NEVER put a baby in harms way...
I asked on my facebook several mothers of newborns if they were interested in this shot. I explained the details of the shoot, and i honestly had some say NO WAY! But Kristy was so willing to help me create my vision.. and Little Jacob was more then perfect for the job.
My fabulous clients the Davenports have this awesome tire swing and have offered me to use their home for shoots... well you know my mind started churning... I love newborn shoots however I am always very nervous to get the babies out in the weather or putting them in those little buckets that they look squashed in etc. however if the parent wants it I will always do it.. they are just so delicate and precious.. and when I photograph newborns my goal is to show you their innocence - their portraits as they are... just babies... i am a big fan of the baby hands on face however its not practical to me and i don;t like to overuse that pose - i just love newborns sleeping and being themselves.....anyways off my soap box... I envisioned this shot, with a boy baby what more then to document a little boy at birth on a tire swing representing boys at play yet the baby sleeping so soundly on it as the wind lightly blows... my mind was just intrigued and i needed the perfect candidate for the job.
Mr. Jacob got to the shoot and had a full little tummy and was asleep... PERFECT!!!! we laid him on the swing with a thick blanket underneath him to prevent him from falling in and enough support to hold him on it... moms..... he mommy was right by his side, at catching distance just incase he may have twitch in his sleep... HOWEVER this little dud slept the whole shoot and never flinched.. not only did i capture a breathtaking portrait but many others cause he was such a great model.

Baby Jacob was 3 weeks old to the day!

Lots of thanks to Jacob's mommy and daddy for allowing him to help me create these beautiful images.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



I have been away from the bloggin world for almost a year now... so hard to find time in my crazy days to do it... but I AM TRYIN'

Yesterday I took pictures of Miss Zoe... she was a cutey... and has some GORGEOUS eyes just like her mommy..I have known Carmen probably since middle school, she lives out of state now. But was determined to have me take her babies pictures while she was in town... so despite the yucky weather conditions and mud we still ROCKED IT!!!!

I am loving this picture!!!
and below... see her BEAUTIFUL EYES!!!
Thanks for keeping up with me... now i will be posting a blog about Baby Jacob in just a sec...

Back in Action


I would like to Blog once a day - just to say whats going on....right now I have so many new ideas and things I am trying to get going, along with raising my four kids and holiday season underway...

I would like this blog to show you my work, tell a little bit about my style and me, tell about whats up in my family, what God's doing in our lives and then I would also like this to be informative... I am gonna get a lot of information on here, for my clients...

With the market flooded with photographers in the area I would like to give some 411 on what to be looking for in your pictures... when you are Paying someone to capture your moments what you should be looking for things like that...
Also to help the new up and coming photographers to possibly fix some of their own flaws and also for me to learn some new things too =)

I am working on getting a more Professional blog in the next few weeks. YAY!!!
Otherwise I will be bloggin' on here later tonight about a few informative things and some what I am working on goods!!!
Hope you enjoy and Leave a sista some love...
Peace & Gods Blessings to you all!!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

2nd Annual Love Story Contest

J. Langley Photos
Love story contest
The contestants have submitted their love stories with pictures of them as a couple.
It is your job to pick your favorite. Below are 7 couples - pick your favorite story
One Vote per email address for each couple.
Voting begins FRIDAY Feb 12th and ends SUNDAY Feb 14th.
Happy Voting.
Winners receive a FREE PHOTO SESSION with J. Langley Photos
With all images on a disc with a copyright release.

James & Cherie

James and I (Cherie) have been dating for a year and 5 months. We are getting married May 15, 2010. I didn't have to wait a long time to find the "man of my dreams", I know that saying might be a little cliche' but it is oh so true, because I am only 19 years of age and James is 33 years of age. I know what you might be thinking, "Fourteen years is so far apart", but he has never been married before. He didn't want to marry the first girl he ever dated...He wanted it to be right and feel right and it has taken him 33 years to feel that way towards someone and I am the very lucky someone. The song, I knew I loved you before I met you, came into play when I met James. I dreamed of my "husband to be" ever since I was young. I wanted someone who would compliment my personality, be supporitve, and caring. I can be high strung at times and I feel like I need to control every aspect of life. James is complete opposite of that. He likes to "go with the flow" when it comes to life. He doesn't feel like he has to plan out everything for the outcome to be right. He brings me back down to earth when something doesn't seem to be going my way. The days that I am talkative and outgoing are the days he is quieter and just sits back and listens. The days he wants to be talkative, that is when I sit back and enjoy his stories. I dreamed of having a life partner, but never in a million years could I of dreamed how much my heart could hold love for just one person. When we first met we stayed up til 6 o'clock in the morning talking about our life's and after that night if you would of asked me if it was "love at first sight" I didn't know it then, but it defintely was. I knew I loved James before I ever met him. He is everything and more I could ever ask for. I am very blessed to have him in my life and I thank God everyday for sending me someone so special and close to my heart.

Carlton & Crystal

Love Story Contest 2010

Isn’t it funny how when you finally decide that true love isn’t in the cards for you …then ‘BOOM’…there it is …the person you’ve been waiting for …the person who is your perfect compliment. That’s my story!

When I first met Carlton, I was in high school. I knew of him, but didn’t really know him personally. Over the years, I would hear his name mentioned by mutual friends. As for me, I was trying to get my personal life together. I had been in a relationship for several years (six) off and on and was really tired of the drama. Finally, I made a decision for my well-being and called it quits for good.

On July 4, 2008, I attended a block party and, out of nowhere, I spotted Carlton standing down the street. We held a casual conversation with the normal questions ‘How’s life? What are you doing now?’ but all I could think about was I don’t remember him being so cute. (smile) Our few minutes of talking quickly turned into 20. It felt like it was just he and I, when in actuality, there were over a hundred people filing in and around us.

Our conversation was cut short because Carlton had a previous engagement. That night I found myself thinking of Carlton and wondering what if… The next day I was thrilled to see he had emailed me on Myspace, thanked me for a great conversation, and invited me to lunch. I was beside myself!

We talked on the phone that night and three nights after until 4 in the morning. I love to talk on the phone, but I have never experienced anything like this. A day or two after, Carlton and I went on our first date. I had never felt so comfortable with someone so soon. And that’s all she wrote … Carlton and I began dating exclusively and now I am happy to say we are engaged and planning our wedding.

At last ….my love has come along!

Crystal M.