Monday, May 4, 2009

Charlie's First Year in Heaven

PawPaw at his finest moments!!!there he goes!!!!!If there was a mike around he would get it!!!

Dad, Jenco, PawPaw, Granny And Sue

This is the Miller Family minus Isabella, pookie, Chrissy, Jody and Tabs
These pics were taken a few months before we found out the cancer had spread this was Gran and PawPaw's 50th Anniversary isn't that AMAZING!!!

Its been a year since Paw Paw Chuck passed and went to go meet Jesus!

If you are wondering what happened well Melanoma is a vicious cancer and just spread like wildfire.[where your sunscreen]

That man was an amazing man and I can only imagine what kind of one year celebration he is having up in the skys....if you know Charlie then you will know that it is a big To-Do and I am sure there is a great band and the oh so famous Alligator will be done.
I am sure Charlie will get a hold of the mike and sing a song or two and he will dance the day and night away as he watches down on all of us here on the earth.
It makes me think and know---that death is a celebration and thats what my pawpaw is doing because he served his purpose here on earth and God had bigger and better plans for him in Heaven with Him.

My PawPaw's death hit home hard and it took me several months to move on. It took me to realize that his death was not meant to set me back but rather to help me to move on....paw paw had a successful business and was a well known business man. I decided a few months back that just because i do not carry the MILLER name any longer I will live out his story!

I am proud to say that 'Inspired by my PawPaw' I have a very successful Business that God is backing and I will be bigger you will see my name in lights- I will take on my PawPaw's legacy and serve the public with humbleness and love.Thank you Paw Paw because the part of my life is inspired by you. And on top of the business aspect I will be the Best Mother I can be- an inspiration to my kids to follow their dreams but to let God be in Control!
RIP Charles Miller- AKA PawPaw Chuck

You are missed but we all know that you are in heaven above and we will one day meet again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! You are the bomb. Love you BIG!