Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Special

Amanda- sister- and Mom
We had lots of fun. This picture below is Amanda's sister- she is very photogenic. This right here is miss Amanda- we made her laugh a lot- she has little bitty eyes. And I am one of those crazy photographers that when I am shooting a portrait I want one of my focus lights drilled in on the eye. I LOVE EYES!!! anyways everytime I would take her pic I would say ' ok AMANDA OPEN YOUR eyes... and then we would all crack up and needless to say all of her pics she is really just laughing and having a great time.....

When I told mom we had to take her Portrait alone she was so funny - going what do I do...so on the side lines with me were both of her daughters giving her pointers on how to make her sexy face, serious face, and casual look....we got this shot and it is PERFECT.
The three together!!!

And We had to take a FUN shot...there are lots more but these were a few I shared!!!

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