Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stine Grandkiddos!- Cunningham Kids

This is one of those sessions that was such a breeze. Mrs. Stine knew exactly what she wanted with the Grandkids and they were so EASY! Mom [Laurie] stepped back and let me to take control which believe it or not is one of the best things sometimes for a child photographer!!
Kids act so different when Mom or Dad is not monitoring its strange but sometimes it works!
They were amazing to shoot and I hope I will have the pleasure of doing it again!
This lil guy has some awesome eyes!!!

Singing 'here comes peter cotton tail...' so sweet!

I love the serious look Camille has looking at her flowers!

She got in front of the camera a bit more than the boys- must be a girl thing LOL-

The three Munchkins together!

Mr. Jack is such a lil ham!

Look How SWEET!!!!

Mrs. Stine with her lil bunch of Grandbabies!!!

After Jack took his 5 pics we got - he hauled it to his bike this was way more interesting!!

And these are the moments that remind me HOW FUN it is to take pics of kids! Because of the funny little things they do and the carefree spirit they consume!!!

Thanks guys- the kids were Awesome! You can view all of your pics at http://JLangleyphotos.photoreflect.com.

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