Brian & Aurora

Brian and Aurora’s Love StoryIt was Easter Sunday, April 12th, 2009, when Aurora and I met online through E Harmony. Aurora was home with her son, Noah, and I was working a 24hr shift at East Side Fire Dept. While on shift I was checking my emails and noticed a request for more information from E Harmony a dating site. I clicked on the request and started looking over Aurora’s profile. First thing I noticed was how incredibly gorgeous she was, she had a terrific smile and a very handsome son. As I started reading more about Aurora and her life and interest, I thought to myself, I just had to at least get to know her and if nothing else be friends. Even though I was hoping for a lot more than just being friends, we had so much in common it just seemed we were meant for one another. As part of the getting to know one another process I started answering some of the questions she had sent me. In one of the questions I answered I gave her my IM screen name and told her if she wanted to chat to contact me there. A little while later we were called out for a traffic accident down the street from the fire station. My crew and I responded and took care of all the patients, but had to remain on scene and wait for the Sheriff’s office to respond. As I was directing traffic my phone went off with an IM from Aurora. Being the guy I am and wanting to talk to this very interesting woman I answered her back. So here I am in the middle of a very busy intersection directing traffic with one hand while texting with the other. A few hours later after the first IM and getting the basics out of the way I asked if it was possible for us to talk on the phone because my fingers were getting tired. Aurora of course said yes and a few minutes later we were talking on the phone for the next 8 hours we talked and talked about everything, by that night I pretty much knew that I really liked this woman, she had a very sexy voice and we had so much in common. For the next several days we talked on the phone, texted back and forth, and of course chatted by IM. That Friday April 17th, we had our first date, nervous as all get out; I drove the two hours to Lake Charles. I arrived at Auroras’ house and she had a friend Rebecca over, I guess to make sure I wasn’t a psycho or anything. Aurora answered the door wearing sweats, a t shirt, no make-up and her hair was not fixed. LOL. But she still took my breath away, my heart racing and trying to catch my breath I handed her the dozen Fire and Ice Roses that I had gotten her, and walked inside to meet her and her friend. After talking with her friend for well over thirty minutes she finally left, and I finally got time alone with Aurora, I immediately went over to her and gave her a hug and kissed her, little did I know that was going to be our last first kiss, Aurora and I spent the afternoon doing nothing but hanging out, talking and just being together. Finally getting to know one another face to face, it was everything we hoped it would be…just perfect. Except that Aurora lived in Lake Charles and I live in Baton Rouge, we thought it could be a little bit of a problem, we made every effort to see each other as often as possible, and if we weren’t together we were texting or on the phone. My fellow co-workers use to give me a hard time about it because I stopped hanging out with them and spent my time and money on Aurora, which if you ask me was a great investment. Aurora and I grew madly in love with one another in a very short time, she and I both knew what we wanted and knew that we were “that” for each other. I brought her to meet my parents in July and they fell in love with her as fast as I did with her. Not long after we got back from visiting my parents in Virginia I took Aurora engagement ring shopping, I had a good idea of what I wanted to get her but in all fairness wanted her opinion on it as well, she found the perfect ring, which was very much like the one I had already picked out but was a lot better and shinier. On September 4th, 2009 I had made arrangements for Aurora to come to Baton Rouge. (My hard work put into this night leads into the proposal to the love of my life with hopes her answer would be “yes”.) While she was on the road I was racing around the house getting over 65 tea light candles laid out, sprinkled rose pedals out leading to the hot bubble bath waiting for her to get into as soon as she walked in the door. I ordered pizza for dinner, which the delivery girl was very impressed and jealous wishing her husband would do something like that for her. So after lighting the path from the door up the stairs and into the bathroom, I had just enough time to post a note on the door for her to read before she walked in. The note simply said “You are the light of my life now follow the light” she walked in and I was hiding in the down stairs spare bedroom waiting for her to get up stairs and into the bath. I then went upstairs and kissed her hello, sitting on the floor next to her, once again nervous as could be, my heart racing we just talked for a little bit. She enjoyed her bath for awhile as she relaxed from the road trip to come see me. When she got out and I led her to the bedroom where the dinner (pizza) was waiting. We ate and I just couldn’t wait any longer, I reached over to my dresser and grabbed the ring and asked Aurora to marry me, she of course said “YES”….Here we are now 11 months later happy as can be planning our wedding in Jamaica. I couldn’t be a happier man, I am very glad and blessed that I have Aurora and Noah in my life. I could not have asked for a better wife to be or son. Brian Harkins
I vote for this one ;)
i vote for this one
I vote for this one!
i vote for this one
I like this story
this one has my vote
I vote for this one!!! How awesome is this!!!
got my vote.
Great story. lucky couple sound like soulmates to me
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