Thursday, February 11, 2010

Christopher & Haley

We had a mutual friend who wanted to set us up on a blind date. Since we had never been on "blind dates" before, we found each other on Myspace and began messaging each other, and found out we actually did have a lot in common. He asked her for my phone number and we had planned to meet at Starbucks on Sunday morning after church. Well, one of my friends was in a car accident on Saturday and the only person I could think of to help find her was him, being he is a cop, and he called and let me know he had found her and was going to meet me at the hospital. He stayed for hours until we knew she was going to be fine and then asked if I still wanted to meet Sunday morning. I told him yes. We had a wonderful first date and have been together ever since!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like is one = )