James and I (Cherie) have been dating for a year and 5 months. We are getting married May 15, 2010. I didn't have to wait a long time to find the "man of my dreams", I know that saying might be a little cliche' but it is oh so true, because I am only 19 years of age and James is 33 years of age. I know what you might be thinking, "Fourteen years is so far apart", but he has never been married before. He didn't want to marry the first girl he ever dated...He wanted it to be right and feel right and it has taken him 33 years to feel that way towards someone and I am the very lucky someone. The song, I knew I loved you before I met you, came into play when I met James. I dreamed of my "husband to be" ever since I was young. I wanted someone who would compliment my personality, be supporitve, and caring. I can be high strung at times and I feel like I need to control every aspect of life. James is complete opposite of that. He likes to "go with the flow" when it comes to life. He doesn't feel like he has to plan out everything for the outcome to be right. He brings me back down to earth when something doesn't seem to be going my way. The days that I am talkative and outgoing are the days he is quieter and just sits back and listens. The days he wants to be talkative, that is when I sit back and enjoy his stories. I dreamed of having a life partner, but never in a million years could I of dreamed how much my heart could hold love for just one person. When we first met we stayed up til 6 o'clock in the morning talking about our life's and after that night if you would of asked me if it was "love at first sight" I didn't know it then, but it defintely was. I knew I loved James before I ever met him. He is everything and more I could ever ask for. I am very blessed to have him in my life and I thank God everyday for sending me someone so special and close to my heart.
Count me in on this one!
I vote yes for this one!
i vote yes for this one!!!!!
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