Love Story Contest 2010

Isn’t it funny how when you finally decide that true love isn’t in the cards for you …then ‘BOOM’…there it is …the person you’ve been waiting for …the person who is your perfect compliment. That’s my story!
When I first met Carlton, I was in high school. I knew of him, but didn’t really know him personally. Over the years, I would hear his name mentioned by mutual friends. As for me, I was trying to get my personal life together. I had been in a relationship for several years (six) off and on and was really tired of the drama. Finally, I made a decision for my well-being and called it quits for good.
On July 4, 2008, I attended a block party and, out of nowhere, I spotted Carlton standing down the street. We held a casual conversation with the normal questions ‘How’s life? What are you doing now?’ but all I could think about was I don’t remember him being so cute. (smile) Our few minutes of talking quickly turned into 20. It felt like it was just he and I, when in actuality, there were over a hundred people filing in and around us.
Our conversation was cut short because Carlton had a previous engagement. That night I found myself thinking of Carlton and wondering what if… The next day I was thrilled to see he had emailed me on Myspace, thanked me for a great conversation, and invited me to lunch. I was beside myself!
We talked on the phone that night and three nights after until 4 in the morning. I love to talk on the phone, but I have never experienced anything like this. A day or two after, Carlton and I went on our first date. I had never felt so comfortable with someone so soon. And that’s all she wrote … Carlton and I began dating exclusively and now I am happy to say we are engaged and planning our wedding.
At last ….my love has come along!
Crystal M.
This story has my vote! -Jodi
This story has my vote!!!
I like the love story!!
Great love story!!!
This couple has my vote!!!
Cute couple and I enjoyed the love story!
This story has my vote!
Great couple and love story!!
Precious couple and I know your love will continue to grow!!!
I vote for this couple!!
Truly a love story!!
Got my vote!!!
Gotta love the story...
This story got my attention!!
I like this one!
You got my vote.
My cousin's love story!!
You got my vote.
Definitely has my vote! Two wonderful people coming together to make a family!! That is how God intended it!
I pick this one!!
Good story!!
Nice couple and love story!
I vote for this one!
Great story and cute couple!!
This one has my vote!!
I vote for this story and couple.
Nice couple and I enjoyed the love story!
I vote for this couple.
I Vote for you.
Got my vote!
I Vote for this story.
Great story!
Got my vote...
Cute story!
Gotta love the story!
Good story!
Got my vote!!
I voted...
Love the story!
I voted!
I voted...
Great story...
I voted.
I voted
That's what love is all about.
I voted for this story.
Great love story!!
I voted.
I voted.
I like this story.
Almost as good as my story!!
I voted.
Good story.
I voted for this story.
I voted.
This story has my vote.
I voted for this story.
I voted.
Cute story.
This story is the one!!!
I voted.
I voted.
I get sappy for a good love story.
I voted for this story.
Those were the days...
This is It!!!
They have my vote.
this story has my vote
This has my vote
I love our story! - Crys
Me too, Bae.
I am happy for y'all ... best of luck. SS
I vote for them
Good story
I voted.
Yeh, I voted.
Gotta love the story.
Vote, good story.
I think the story is awesome.
I voted.
I just voted.
Great love story.
I voted for this story.
Good story.
I voted - this is good.
I voted.
I voted.
I voted.
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